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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : english news,Community's concerns

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  1. Brett Kavanaugh: FBI contacts Deborah Ramirez for interview
  2. Elon Musk reaches deal over tweets about taking Tesla private
  3. Brexit plan critics are playing politics, says Theresa May
  4. New tax on foreign home buyers to help rough sleepers, PM says
  5. Ruth Davidson calls for Tory Brexit 'silence'
  6. Brett Kavanaugh: White House denies limiting FBI inquiry
  7. Kellyanne Conway: 'I'm a victim of sexual assault'
  8. Ryder Cup 2018: Europe thrash US 17½-10½ to regain Ryder Cup
  9. Tory conference: Dominic Raab sets out 'limits' for Brexit compromise
  10. Philip Hammond: Boris Johnson is a 'big picture man'
  11. Restaurants face ban on taking share of tips
  12. Would younger voters back Tories for £10,000?
  13. Donald Trumps says new trade deal is 'most important ever'
  14. Brett Kavanaugh's classmate says he lied about drinking
  15. Sir Paul McCartney photo-bombs newlyweds in Winnipeg
  16. Brexit: EU diplomats say Hunt's Soviet comparison 'insulting'
  17. Trump: FBI can question 'anybody' about Brett Kavanaugh
  18. USMCA trade deal: Who gets what from 'new Nafta'?
  19. Las Vegas shooting: 'The bullet went through my chest'
  20. Ronald Shurer: Medal of Honor awarded to Secret Service agent
  21. Conservative conference: Emergency £240m to free up hospital beds
  22. Low-skill migration to fall after Brexit, promises May
  23. Conservative conference: Middle-class drug users to be targeted - Sajid Javid
  24. Severn tolls to be axed earlier than planned on 17 December
  25. South China Sea: Chinese ship forces US destroyer off course
  26. Canadian is third woman to win physics Nobel
  27. Melania Trump: US first lady arrives in Ghana for solo Africa trip
  28. Boris Johnson slams Brexit plan as he sets out his Tory vision
  29. Civil partnerships: Law to change for mixed-sex couples
  30. Theresa May on why Boris Johnson speech made her cross
  31. MP's 'horror' at getting £4.2bn to digitise NHS with no plan
  32. Trump: 'Scary and difficult time for young men' in US
  33. Secret Service intercepts suspicious envelope sent to Trump
  34. US arrests four Charlottesville Unite the Right 'rioters'
  35. Trump taxes: New York authorities examine president's tax affairs
  36. The Tories 'must deliver' for people - May
  37. Freeze on fuel duty to continue
  38. Plaid Cymru's Adam Price says Brexit must be stopped
  39. Trump mocks Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's testimony
  40. 'Ford is a liar' say Trump supporters
  41. Sanctions on Iran: International Court of Justice rules against US
  42. Heart drug trials halted over Brexit fears
  43. Geoffrey Cox wows Tories with warm-up act for PM
  44. Republicans deplore Trump mocking Brett Kavanaugh accuser
  45. Pentagon quarantine 'sparked by castor seeds' not ricin poison
  46. 'Trump alert': US mobile phone owners get test message
  47. Canada surgeon operates on teddy bear for 8-year-old boy
  48. May's end of austerity claim 'not credible', says Labour
  49. Brett Kavanaugh: Senate to get FBI report within hours
  50. South Carolina: Seven officers shot, suspect in custody
  51. Drew Barrymore: EgyptAir article goes viral
  52. Russia GRU claims: UK points finger at Kremlin's military intelligence
  53. Why was Theresa May dancing? And did it work?
  54. Russia 'tried to hack Foreign Office', says British diplomat
  55. Ban on putting Shetland in a box on maps comes into force
  56. South Carolina: Police shooting suspect is disabled war veteran
  57. Osaka cuts San Francisco ties over 'comfort women' statue
  58. 'China spy attack hits Apple and Amazon'
  59. Donald Tusk calls Jeremy Hunt's Soviet jibe unwise and insulting
  60. Tourism bosses issue visitor tax warning
  61. Brett Kavanaugh: Hundreds arrested in Supreme Court protest
  62. Ex-rap mogul Suge Knight sentenced to 28 years for hit-and-run death
  63. Why a US national park is holding a 'Fat Bear Week' contest
  64. Elon Musk: Tesla boss mocks US regulator days after settlement
  65. Brexit: Four NI parties due to meet Michel Barnier
  66. Fast fashion is harming the planet, MPs say
  67. Free time should be measure of UK's well-being, say Greens
  68. 'Least racist' claim prompts Question Time row
  69. Independence on the table after Brexit - Plaid's Price
  70. Brexit: Hammond's 'no risk' stance caused problems, says David Davis
  71. Brett Kavanaugh: Key senators back embattled Supreme Court pick
  72. Laquan McDonald: Chicago officer convicted of killing teen
  73. Michigan meteorite used as doorstop for 30 years 'worth $100,000'
  74. Mums' anger at 12-minute school lunchtime
  75. Ex-Labour MP Natascha Engel is UK's first commissioner for fracking
  76. Brexit: Jean-Claude Juncker says chance of deal has increased
  77. Brett Kavanaugh: Senate set for final vote on Supreme Court nominee
  78. No-one in Wales is niche, says Plaid's Leanne Wood to critics
  79. Brett Kavanaugh confirmation: Victory for Trump in Supreme Court battle
  80. Melania: I don't always agree with Trump
  81. Theresa May urges Labour voters to abandon Corbyn for Tories
  82. SNP's autumn conference to open in Glasgow
  83. Wedding limousine crash leaves 20 dead in New York State
  84. Kanye West deletes Twitter and Instagram accounts - again
  85. Tina Turner: 'Ike took me to sex show on wedding night'
  86. Universal credit has to go, says John McDonnell
  87. Climate report: Scientists urge deep rapid change to limit warming
  88. Brexit 'boosts case for Scottish independence'
  89. Japan says UK could join trade pact
  90. New York limo crash: Newlyweds and young couples among 20 dead
  91. Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket lights up California sky
  92. Taylor Swift breaks political silence in favour of Democrats
  93. 'Big issues' still in way of Brexit deal says No 10
  94. Trump apologises to Kavanaugh over 'unfair' treatment
  95. Astronaut Scott Kelly attacked for quoting Winston Churchill
  96. Trump 'likes Taylor Swift 25% less' after political post
  97. Brexit: How 'no deal' could change tobacco warnings
  98. Sturgeon: SNP offer 'hope and optimism'
  99. Unionists in Brussels for Barnier Brexit talks
  100. Water meters should be compulsory, say MPs
  101. US trade war would make world 'poorer and more dangerous'
  102. NHS waste scandal: Handler stripped of contracts
  103. Brexit: May warned 'at least' 40 Tory MPs won't back deal
  104. Nikki Haley: US ambassador to UN resigns
  105. Hurricane Michael: 'Monstrous' storm strengthens to category two
  106. Kanye West to lunch with Donald Trump this week
  107. HimToo: How Pieter Hanson's mother made him internet famous
  108. Prime Minister appoints minister for suicide prevention
  109. Nikki Haley: 'Jared is such a hidden genius'
  110. Canada farm that gave birth to the McIntosh apple up for sale
  111. Brexit: Theresa May to face MPs after Chequers plan criticism
  112. University 'dual nationality' plan for Brexit
  113. Hurricane Michael: 'Extremely dangerous' storm set to hit Florida
  114. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  115. Universal credit: Brown says benefit rollout could lead to 'poll-tax-style chaos'
  116. Hot summer gives boost to UK economy
  117. US shares suffer sharpest drop in months
  118. Why Trump’s slamming Medicare for all as 'socialist' healthcare
  119. Sears shares falter on bankruptcy fears
  120. Prime Minister's Questions: The key bits and the verdict
  121. DUP 'could vote against the Budget' over Brexit deal
  122. Brexit negotiators working 'day and night' for agreement
  123. Hurricane Michael: Record-breaking 'hell' storm mauls US
  124. Man charged over US mid-term elections 'bomb plot'
  125. Police called on Atlanta man for 'babysitting while black'
  126. John Major: Universal credit could repeat poll tax problems
  127. Theresa May to brief ministers amid Brexit tensions
  128. Take me to your leader! MPs to quiz robot
  129. Jeremy Corbyn: Schools should cover 'role and legacy' of British Empire
  130. Trump says Chinese 'lived too well for too long'
  131. Melania Trump: 'I'm the most bullied person on the world'
  132. Payton Summons: Brain dead girl denied further life support
  133. Esther McVey: Some to be poorer under universal credit
  134. No-deal Brexit planning shuts M26 overnight
  135. Hurricane Michael leaves 'unimaginable destruction'
  136. Andrew Brunson: Hopes rise as US pastor returns to court
  137. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  138. Kanye West says Trump hat 'made me feel like Superman'
  139. Brexit: PM's compromises a 'concern' for cabinet ministers
  140. MPs 'informing' on immigration hotline
  141. Brexit: Latest no-deal contingency papers published
  142. Oxford Conservatives ban Bullingdon Club members from their ranks
  143. Tory-DUP war of words over Brexit intensifies
  144. Hurricane Michael flattens beach town like 'mother of all bombs'
  145. Andrew Brunson: Turkey releases US pastor after two years
  146. Humanoid 'rescue robot' learns parkour
  147. Canada politician says crucifix 'not religious symbol'
  148. UK risks losing nearly £1bn of EU funding, say councils
  149. Hurricane Michael: Fears deaths will rise as 'war zone' searched
  150. Andrew Brunson: US pastor leaves Turkey after release
  151. Deciem founder Brandon Truaxe loses job on judge's order
  152. Universal Credit: Chancellor pressured over welfare system
  153. Jamal Khashoggi: Trump to 'punish' Saudis over journalist
  154. forex arabic
  155. Brexit: David Davis calls for cabinet rebellion over PM's plan
  156. Jamal Khashoggi: UK and US 'could boycott' Saudi conference
  157. Melania Trump says 'don't care' jacket was a message
  158. Is meat's climate impact too hot for politicians?
  159. Brexit: Raab and Barnier hold talks to resolve 'big issues'
  160. Davidson and Mundell 'could resign over Brexit deal'
  161. Trump: Climate change scientists have 'political agenda'
  162. Trump on Blasey Ford: 'She was treated with great respect'
  163. Brexit: UK can still make progress in talks - Downing Street
  164. House of Commons abuse cases 'tolerated and concealed'
  165. US retail giant Sears files for bankruptcy
  166. Elizabeth Warren reveals DNA test
  167. Hurricane Michael: Dozens still missing on Florida coast
  168. Theresa May says Brexit deal still 'achievable' despite differences
  169. Baroness Hollis: Former Labour minister dies aged 77
  170. Labour's Kate Green to head Commons standards committee
  171. Firearms debate axed amid rebellion talk
  172. Welfare reform 'driving women to sex work'
  173. Jamal Khashoggi: Mike Pompeo to visit Saudi Arabia
  174. Paul Allen: Microsoft co-founder and billionaire dies aged 65
  175. Judge dismisses Stormy Daniels' defamation case against Trump
  176. Brexit: Cabinet meeting kicks off crucial 48 hours
  177. Universal credit rollout delayed yet again
  178. Speaker John Bercow should quit, says Maria Miller after Commons bullying report
  179. UK wage growth fastest for nearly 10 years
  180. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  181. Kidman: 'Cruise marriage protected me from harassment'
  182. Idaho wildlife official resigns over dead baboon photo
  183. John Bercow 'to quit as Speaker next summer'
  184. Mary Bono: USA Gymnastics boss quits after Simone Biles & Aly Raisman criticism
  185. US senator apologies for revealing names of 'sex crime victims'
  186. Jamal Khashoggi: Trump gives Saudi benefit of doubt in Khashoggi case
  187. Brexit: 'Expectations low' as PM heads to Brussels
  188. US moves to negotiate trade deals with Japan, UK, EU
  189. Teach children how to avoid dog bites, say MPs
  190. Prime Minister's Questions: The key bits and the verdict
  191. Cheaper food drives UK inflation lower in September
  192. Hurricane Michael: Death toll continues to rise amid searches
  193. Roseanne objects to manner of character's spin-off exit
  194. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  195. British farmers shouldn't get cheap EU labour - government adviser
  196. John Bercow: Labour MPs urged not to 'confuse' Brexit and Commons bullying
  197. Brexit: UK 'may consider longer transition period'
  198. Brexit: Commons vote must be 'unequivocal', says Raab
  199. Cannabis in Canada: How it went down on Legalisation Day
  200. Harvey Weinstein accuser told to delete phone files
  201. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  202. Jayme Closs: Hunt for 13-year-old after parents murdered
  203. Brexit: Row erupts over Commons 'meaningful vote'
  204. 'Mad cow disease' at Aberdeenshire farm after BSE confirmed
  205. Jamal Khashoggi case: Fox and Mnuchin quit Saudi summit
  206. Jamal Khashoggi case: Turkish police 'search forest'
  207. Trump makes new threat over US-Mexico border
  208. US to merge Jerusalem consulate general with new embassy
  209. Israeli Supreme Court allows US 'boycott' student to stay
  210. Johnny Mercer questions whether Tory party still shares his values
  211. Cannabis in Canada: Shortages, fines and Girl Guide cookies
  212. Brexit: Tories must be as united as EU, says Hunt
  213. How many foreign trips has your MP accepted?
  214. Mundell 'concern' over Brexit fish policy
  215. Facebook hires former deputy PM Sir Nick Clegg
  216. Amber Rudd: I'd like to be home secretary again
  217. How many Labour MPs will vote for Theresa May's Brexit deal?
  218. Trump hails body slamming Congressman Greg Gianforte in Montana
  219. Man 'fought snakes' to survive after falling down 100ft mineshaft
  220. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  221. Jamal Khashoggi case: Saudi Arabia says journalist killed in fight
  222. Russian woman charged with attempted US election meddling
  223. Jayme Closs: Nationwide search for 13-year-old after parents murdered
  224. Migrant caravan: US-bound migrants clash with Mexico riot police
  225. People's Vote march: Thousands gather at London protest
  226. Khashoggi killing: Turkey vows to reveal 'truth' on Saudi critic's death
  227. Anonymous Pro-Brexit ads on Facebook say 'bin Chequers'
  228. Sturgeon boycotts event in far-right row
  229. Brexit: Bid to stop NI civil servants acting on backstop
  230. President Trump to pull US from Russia missile treaty
  231. Jamal Khashoggi death: Trump 'not satisfied' with Saudi account
  232. New York witches place hex on Brett Kavanaugh
  233. Payton Summons: Girl at centre of life support battle in Texas dies
  234. Brexit: Extend transition only to scrap backstop, says Dominic Raab
  235. Russia nuclear treaty: US warned over threat to scrap deal
  236. US tourists die as Costa Rica rafts capsize
  237. Dominic Raab tells 'jittery' Tories: Hold your nerve
  238. Scots Tories against fishing policy extension
  239. Jamal Khashoggi death: UK, France and Germany challenge Saudis
  240. Migrant caravan on the move from Mexico-Guatemala border
  241. Clemson University: Floor collapse injures 30 in South Carolina
  242. Indianapolis zoo lioness kills father of her three cubs
  243. UK urged to take back Islamic State 'foreign fighters'
  244. Brexit: Theresa May says getting deal is about UK's future, not her
  245. MPs condemn 'vile' abuse of Theresa May
  246. Cardiff dog owners march across city in ban protest
  247. #WeWontBeErased: Outcry over memo proposing US transgender change
  248. Your US mid-term elections daily digest
  249. Staff call for action on House of Commons bullying
  250. Park homes: 'Fit and proper person' test for site owners