المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Tories' copyright exception for political ads could backfire

14-10-2014, 12:10 PM
http://i.cbc.ca/1.2796508.1413126090!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/liberal-leader-justin-trudeau.jpg By now, even the most determinedly optimistic Conservative Party strategist has grudgingly accepted that their relentless efforts to turn Justin Trudeau's leadership into a Reefer Madness reboot has fizzled. But will a plan to excempt political parties from copyright law really help?

more .... (http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-copyright-law-changes-could-backfire-1.2796503?cmp=rss)