المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Canadian advisers firing on ISIS is 'mission creep,' critics say

21-01-2015, 01:35 AM
http://i.cbc.ca/1.2919809.1421776968!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/operation-impact.jpg NDP Leader Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau's Liberals are accusing the Harper government of misleading Parliament after Monday's revelation that Canadian Forces advisers exchanged gunfire with ISIS in what may be the first confirmed ground battle involving Western forces in northern Iraq.

more .... (http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/stephen-harper-did-not-tell-truth-on-isis-combat-mission-opposition-1.2919630?cmp=rss)