المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Amanda Todd suspect Aydin Coban writes open letter proclaiming innocence

29-01-2015, 01:19 AM
http://i.cbc.ca/1.2614703.1422477876!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/amanda-todd.jpg Aydin Coban, a Dutch citizen who has been charged in the extortion and online harassment of B.C. teenager Amanda Todd, has written an open letter from his jail cell in the Netherlands proclaiming he's innocent and the victim of an orchestrated "hate campaign."

more .... (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/amanda-todd-suspect-aydin-coban-writes-open-letter-proclaiming-innocence-1.2935055?cmp=rss)