المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : RCMP search for 2nd body in mid-air plane crash near Fort McMurray, Alta.

24-06-2015, 06:40 AM
http://i.cbc.ca/1.3125185.1435112633!/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/fort-mcmurray-mid-air-crash.JPG RCMP have confirmed they are still searching for the body of the second man killed in a mid-air plane crash Sunday night near Fort McMurray, Alta.

more .... (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/rcmp-search-for-2nd-body-in-mid-air-plane-crash-near-fort-mcmurray-alta-1.3125158?cmp=rss)