المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Before Parliament Hill attack, RCMP got 3 warnings, reduced patrols

21-10-2015, 01:37 PM
http://i.cbc.ca/1.3270900.1444856542!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/security-report-20150529.jpg Internal documents obtained by CBC News show the Mounties received at least three warnings about terror-linked attacks before a gunman shot a soldier on guard at the National War Memorial and stormed Parliament Hill on Oct. 22, 2014. But the understaffed RCMP unit on the Hill had reduced its patrols in the days before the assault by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau.

more .... (http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/before-parliament-hill-attack-rcmp-got-3-warnings-reduced-patrols-1.3280632?cmp=rss)