Security Gates:
KSEDCO provides all the security gate brands at excellent prices .
Our team is highly experienced in the security field.
We are always updated with the latest technologies,
and we offer high quality devices and services.

Electric gates are an easy way to ensure the security of
private premises and can be used for all sized properties.
Electric gates, though not very commonplace at the moment,
have found their niche in the market today.
For those who find the security of their premises
( be it residential or commercial ) important,
electric gates are the way to go.

There is a decrease in the cost of electric gate kits and their installation.
There are now many features that can be added
to ensure security as well as make them more convenient.
Automated gates are classed as machines and care should be taken to
ensure they have the correct safety features / and are regularly maintained.

Address : Zahraa Al Maadi - Cairo - Egypt
Tel : 01020002971 - 01007771327