A new study into corporate governance by business and financial advisers Grant Thornton has pointed to a lack of transparency and leadership in the NHS.
The report was released in advance of the Francis Report on Mid-Staffordshire Healthcare Trust and as the NHS prepares for new commissioning arrangements.
According to the Grant Thornton report, which explores the role of governance in ensuring clear leadership, the provision of safe and high quality services and commercial success, more than half of NHS leaders feel there is a lack of transparency around collective and individual board performance.
Only 49 per cent believe the chairs of trusts are providing the right leadership tone for their organisations and 34 per cent feel there is room for improvement in their organisation’s corporate structures to ensure clear lines of accountability.

While the move to new commissioning structures is currently in a state of transition, only 20 per cent of NHS leaders feel governance arrangements for the forthcoming clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are well developed and ready for implementation.
In their annual reports, a quarter of primary care trusts failed to describe the impact of CCGs on their operations and only 11 per cent have disclosed the costs for transitioning to the new model. When asked to cite the main challenges of the move to CCGs, the highest rated response (57 per cent) was a lack of knowledge around the transitioning process.
There are, however, signs NHS bodies are adopting best practice from the private sector. Non-executive directors are now on the boards of 83 per cent of foundation trusts and 73 per cent of NHS trusts.
“Trust and confidence in public bodies is high on the public agenda at the moment and transparent, effective governance is particularly important for the NHS over the next few years,” said Bill Upton, head of healthcare at Grant Thornton UK.
“Good governance has an impact on the quality of care given to patients; it inspires confidence that public money is being wisely invested and supports and protects clinicians in their decisions.”
Jon Roberts, regional head of public sector assurance at Grant Thornton, added: “The delivery of healthcare and the number and nature of providers will need to change across the Midlands, so that the NHS can cope with both increasing demand and increased pressure on finances within a proper framework.
“We applaud the strength and levels of non-executive expertise and championing gender diversity. We have found the need for transformation of provider services and the move to new commissioning arrangements will empower those closest to patient care to make decisions, but it will require effective governance to ensure successful spending and collaboration between doctors, nurses, trusts and the private sector.”